An airport experience with children can feel like a pretty stressful and daunting experience as a parent, especially a solo one! I personally think these are quite useful tips I have put together and I really hope it helps someone.

  1. Allow them to walk, release some of their energy. They’re about to have to sit on a plane for hours. Let them explore a little. Within reason of course, no one has time for a toddler walk when we’re rushing to the Gate haha!

2.Get yourself a harness clip and attach it to your pram. I think I got mine from BnM or somewhere similar. And attach a body harness to it, so your little one is safe by you, and so they cannot run off. We haven’t got the energy or time to be chasing a child in a busy airport haha. But this does allow them to have the freedom of walking around which is great. Plus use that pram as a trolly lol.

3. SNACKS! Prep snacks. Airport cafes are so busy and expensive, kids need a quick snack constantly ha. I prepared a batch of my delicious fluffy banana pancakes and we sat in the airport and ate them together and it was great breakfast treat.

4.Ask for help! cannot stress this enough. When you’re a solo parent traveling with a child, you do need help sometimes. I remember struggling carrying B, holding the bags AND the pram down a flight of stairs to the gate, SO UNSAFE! Thankfully a man offered to carry the bags and pram. Get that help! It is needed sometimes.

5. If they’re in nappies, put a fresh one on just before you get to your gate and go to the toilet yourself. You don’t want to have to faff around with hiding bags, carrying child and passing through everyone trying to get on the plane.

This is purely from my own experience and cannot wait to share more photos and tips of our adventures around the world, Love B and me x .

JBs Adventures

Hey I'm Jessika and I have a little boy called Beauden. I'm bringing you on our journey of adventures and activities but I also want to tell you my story of how I plucked up the courage to quit my 9-5 and where my travel adventures first began!